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> Guest Lecturers on WW-II in SE-Asia

Stichting “Gastdocenten WO II Zuid-Oost Azië
[The Foundation for Guest Lecturers on WW-II in SE-Asia]

The Foundation brings together some 120 persons, each of whom who personally experienced and witnessed WW-II in the Netherlands East Indies or elsewhere in South-East Asia.
The Foundation’s goal is to provide today’s students an idea about what their compatriots, often relatives or ancestors, expoperienced during that episode in South-East Asia, most importantly, how they coped both during and after the war.
Members of the working group provide their own oral histories against a background of solid historical information, provided by the syllabus composed by the group.
An obvious problem in this endeavor is that the group’s activity is as finite as its members are mortal. Hence the group’s strategy to commit crucial information to memory via video, wherein the film project on Henriette’s book, which documents the experience from Japanese women camps in the Netherlands East Indies, fits very well.